Hello people..Today, i'm gonna explain you, how to create your own impulses from your favorite bands or songs..For that, all you need is a solo guitar track from your favorite song. Length doesnt matter after all, it could be even 1-2 seconds..
Principally, we'll "analyze" our "source" file, and apply its eq settings onto our "target" file, and it WILL work
For this, we need;
Cubase or Nuendo,
MAutoEqualizer, which is from Melda Productions,
TSE X30 Preamp VST Plug-in,
keFIR or your favorite IR loader,
A parametric EQ for post-shaping our target file,
And Voxengo Deconvolver, which creates our impulse's wav file..
All of the links you need are given below, and all of them are free..
http://audacity.sourceforge.net/download/http://www.theserinaexperiment.net/plugins/TSE_X30v1.6.ziphttp://www.softpedia.com/get/Multimedia/Audio/Audio-Plugins/keFIR.shtmlhttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/7305927/MAutoEqualizer.dllhttp://www.voxengo.com/product/deconvolver/Now, let's start..First, choose a song, which includes the guitar tone you like, and import it into Audacity. For this tutorial, i choose Right Now by Korn, as it begins only with guitars and played so straight and simple..First, click the tracks dropdown menu from the left and choose "Split"..Now, our song has been split into two separate channels and its still stereo..As you see, the beginning guitar part sits only on right channel, which means, we dont need the left channel..Click the "x" button and delete the left channel..Click the dropdown button of right channel again and click "mono"..Now, our left channel became a mono channel. Now, mark the rest of the song, which you don't need, and simply delete it..Now we have our mono and guitar-only "source" file..Export it as a Wav file and name it source"..
Now, open your Cubase or Nuendo..Create a new project and close "Snap to grid" option..Now, firstly, import your "source" file, into Cubase. It automatically creates a mono track for our source file. then set the right locator to "6", which is a enough length for our impulse..Now we are done with our source channel, lets prepare our "target" channel..Create a mono audio channel and name it "target"..Click the Insert from left section, and add TSE_X30. There are two versions of it, Sovtek and Sylvana, choose one of them, doesnt matter really
Decrease the volume a little and let the other knobs stay at noon. Our "target" channel is ready now as well..Now, create a stereo "Group channel". Press F3 and open the mixer..Above both of our channels, you'll see, their output is "Stereo Out"..Click the Source's output and make it "Group 1", and do the same thing for "target" as well..With that, both of our channels are routed directly into the Group channel..
Now, plug in your guitar, activate the record and monitor settings of your "target" channel. It WILL sound like shit, as you have only the raw distortion
Play and record your own part, while playbacking your "source" file. Try playing as tight as possible, yet a little
timing mistakes arent important at all. After your target is recorded, open the insert fx section of your group channel, and add "MAutoEQ". You have to make only 2 settings, one is setting the "smoothness" to 0.1, and second arranging the total band count to "10" from settings in right corner of Analyze section..After that, press "Source" button, and Mute your "Target" channel..Press "Space" and watch your EQ's screen while analyzing your "source" file..Once finished, press the little "Analyze" button below the "Source" button..Then, Unmute your "Target" channel and mute the "Source" this time, and press "Target" button now..Press "Space" again to analyze the "target" this time. just be sure Source is muted!!
Now that you are analyzed both channels, you are ready to apply the "source eq" unto the target. Press "Target" button and finally press
"Yellow-box sound like Blue-box"..You'll see, that eq curves will automatically reshape. To give it a try, simply put your "target" channels monitor on and play something, you'll hear that it resembles mostly the original source, but needs a little post-shaping. To do this, you can either play with your TSE X30's tone settings, or add another EQ into the "target" channel to reshape it in your taste.
Now, we are only a few steps far from our own impulse. Now, open Deconvolver and create a test tone, set it to 44.1k, Mono, 24Bit and 3 seconds..After it has been created in Desktop, open Nuendo and delete the guitar part on your "Target" channel, simply delete the part,
which u've played, then import the test tone on this target channel. Play it, and watch it from your mixer that it MUST NOT CLIP during the playback. Its deadly important, that it must NOT clip. Decrease the volume if needed, and set the right locator to 4 "Seconds", not much.
Now, Mute your target channel and export this as 24 Bit Wav file and name it as you like..
Open Deconvolver again, as "Test Tone File", select your recently made Test Tone by Deconvolver and as "File Folder", your recently exported Wav file from Nuendo. Set Output Bit to 24, and mark "MP Transform" and "Normalize to 0.3dB"..Press "Process" and watch your own
IR being created
It will take "-dc" at the end of its filename..Give it a quick try by using KeFIR or your favorite Impulse Loader..
Well, thats it people..Want to say that, if you are not feel satisfied with your impulse, you can add a second MAutoEQ under the first one with the very same settings and make the same operations for it. It would be more precise with 2 EQ instances
Feel free to ask me any questions, i can gladly help..I'll soon publish a video tutorial for all of these explanations..I'll soon publish my own IR's, if i find some spare time from the school