True Pianos~Low CPU Usage
~Really nice looking Interface
~Sounds really good
~Doesn't take up so much memory space
~You can actually load it and save it onto a keyboard if you want to play live.
~Comes with 1 year of free upgrades
~You need at least 22 GB free hard drive space but they recommend 77 GB.
~Really nice Interface
~Really Allows you to customize the sound through digital effects
In my opinion Both are REALLY good sounding programs.
I would say Ivory sounds better but much more expensive. True pianos sounds good but not as good ivory for a much cheaper price. Both allow you to really customize the sound.
I would have to go with True Pianos mostly because of the price, but it sounds really good.
Of course if I had a $349 on me ill go with Ivory.
It depends on your budget
Sound wise I prefer Ivory